So I've been using a cracked version of Adobe's cs5 master collection for about three years and not got caught out until now. My little snitch demo expired and let Adobe phone home..... which is a major blow right now! Being as the stupid American government and media have started to fuck up the internet I cannot find a single website with the crack codes I need to make my software work again because all those site now only let people upload and not download! So now I'm going to fork out about £450 for the latest student edition. Gutted, but at least this will never happen again! Learn from your mistakes...
I know I've posted a lot of song s recently, but I've been listening to a lot more music and feel the need to share some of these song with people. Here's another classic that needs to be passed on.
The Souls Of Mischief have been booked to play in a club in Cardiff sometime in March, I am so unbelievably hyped on this! I have listened to them for so many years and accepted the that they probably wouldn't ever play anywhere near where I live, but to hear they will be in Cardiff was like a dream come true for me! Roll on March....! Open you ears and enjoy
Here is a Pembrokeshire skateboarding scene video that was made by a friend of mine Owen Howells about five years ago. It features myself, Sam Mathias, Owen Howells, Chris Morris, Jack Thomas Moore, Davy Evans, Mike Harris, Sam Thompson and a whole lot more. Owen just posted this up on youtube and facebook and it made me realise how quickly time flies, I feel like it was only a few months ago when we where all filming for this, taking weekend trips to bath and bristol, but in reality it was four and a half years ago almost five! Anyway that's enough rambling from me... check the video out!
It's take me a while to get round to purchasing a domain name and actually publishing my site live, but at last I have actually done it! Visit
Just a post to wish everyone a very happy new year and may it bring the best of things for all of us! I had a very chilled one last night in my mates house with some good friends, it was pleasant and a wicked way to bring in the new year. We welcomed in the new year with this awesome Will Smith song.....
I don't really dig Will Smith but I must admit it couldn't have thought of a better song to listen to as the clock strikes 12!
I hope you all enjoyed the song and had a trill new years!
Here is another really good song I've listened to a lot recently. I first heard it of the Shake Junt video, which is awesome by the way and well worth a watch if you dig skating.
Here's another song I've been rinsing lately, Its by Connan Mockasin and the song is called 'It's Choade My Dear'. My friend used it on an edit a few weeks ago and I've had it stuck in my head ever since. You can check his edit out by clicking here.