It's been another long time since I last blogged so I thought I'd better start catching up with what's been going on recently.
Me and six friends of mine took a week long holiday in Barcelona over the summer holidays from the 5th until the 12th of august, our soul reason out there was to skate, enjoy the beautiful weather and to have fun....which I'm sure we all did. I have already been to Barcelona two times previously to this trip but think it will have to continue with at least a once a year visit! The sights are beautiful and the architecture is unreal for an example click here to see. If you have never been you really should go, and if you're a skater you have to go! Bellow are some pictures to feast your eyes on.Duane Wilson: Frontside Flip.

The street party atmosphere every night at

The view looking down Les Courts.

Everyone chilling after a long session.

We also managed to borrow a friends vx1000 video camera to capture what went on but due to a friend of mine Nick Richards being unorganized and lazy I still haven't had the footage to edit or even capture onto my mac ready for editing even though the holiday was over two months ago..! So as soon as that's finished it I'll post it on here but until then you can watch last years video bellow.