Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Some More Tilt-shift Photographs

I got bored earlier and decided to play about with creating a tilt shift photos using originals I had from traveling over the past few years. These three have turned out a lot better than the first time I had a go.

I hope you liked my attempt at tiltshifting some photos.


Monday, 5 September 2011

Indian Ink Tree

Bellow is my first attempt at drawing with indian inks and a calligraphy pen, I've tried to draw trees using loads of different mediums but they never seem to look any good, but I'm happy with this one, being as I've never used this medium before. I definitely suggest trying to use inks and a calligraphy pen, it enables you to draw with much more detail that normal, and you can get much thinner lines than you can using pens and pencils.

I hope you like my dying tree, maybe I'll draw one in bloom next time.
