Saturday, 16 July 2011

Glue Bag park edit

Here is a video edited by Kane Nugent, starring of a load of our friends, we spent a month or so filming in the skatepark to make a skate park edit that takes the piss out of all the skate edits there have been recently and about how everyone is using HD and special effects these days, so there is no slow-motion, it's poorly filmed and edited but that's exactly what we wanted it to look like. We also got my housemate James Southall to dress up and create a posh character (Stewart Howard) who just happens to love The XX, Hd filming and special effects, all of this was to help us take the piss out of the existing edits of various skate videos there have been over the past few years. So without further ado here it is....

Glue Bag Cardiff Plaza edit. Poorly Filmed, Poorly Edited, No slow mo's from Kane Nugent on Vimeo.

I hope you enjoyed our park edit!


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